Scriptures and Healing


one that is treated or regarded with special favor or liking; especially : a person who is specially loved or trusted


beloved, cherished, dear, favored, darling, fond, loved, pet, precious, special, sweet

Years ago we had several discussions in our home about “favorites”, my kids and I. It started because they came home talking about how the Smith family (names changed, of course) knew who their mom’s favorite child was. Clearly, they said, it was child C because she was easy going and chose the kinds of things her mom would. And, her mom said it ALL the time. C is my favorite.

I do not have a favorite, and this has been a long standing bit of banter between my kids and I. I really don’t have one. How can I? I enjoy being with each of them, I love the qualities they have. I grew up lonely and wanted lots of kids. They are my delight. I love them all for various reasons. However, there are ones I would pick to go shopping with over others. And I enjoy special activities or events with each of them in different ways.

Similarly, I love all of the scriptures. And I certainly would not want to neglect any of the words the Lord has given to us. But I must admit that I do, in fact, have favorite scriptures. They are the ones deeply embedded in my heart that come to my mind when I most need them. Several of them have specific memories or times of need attached to them. And I am always finding new favorites. They carry me through hard things. They ground me to the truth and bring my heart back to the Savior when I struggle.


Last night I shared one of them with my son. He is struggling with anxiety. Our upcoming move is bringing all of that to the surface for him (4 1/2 weeks left!!). It’s exhausting holding your mind together when it feels like you are stuck in a pattern of anxiety.

 But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.

Jacob 3:1

After he read it I asked him what he found there. He sobbed and said he must not be trying hard enough. I think he felt it was saying IF you are pure in heart, God will take away your affliction. We talked about how most trials are not removed in this life, rather we are consoled IN them. The Savior pleads our cause and takes our side to fight battles. Battles of the heart, mind, spirit, and body. I encouraged him to focus on the words “console” and “plead your cause”. I asked him to create imagery of Christ battling his anxiety with a sword. He laughed at the imagery.

I needed the reminder. My husband doesn’t seek my destruction, nor should I seek his. He seeks to feel loved, to deal with his own stresses, to overcome this addiction. And the Lord is pleading his cause, just as he does mine. Some day, as we both experience this recovery more fully, we will be more connected as a couple. In the meantime, our Advocate pleads for justice and destruction of the pains we feel.


Elder Ballard said this,

“The words of the Lord are found in the scriptures and the teachings of the apostles and prophets. They provide us counsel and direction that, when followed, will act like a spiritual life jacket and will help us know how to hold on with both hands.

We need to become like the sons of Mosiah, who “waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth.” We can become men and women “of a sound understanding.” This can be accomplished only by our “search[ing] the scriptures diligently, that [we] might know the word of God.”

In searching the scriptures and the words of past and current apostles and prophets, we should focus on studying, living, and loving the doctrine of Christ.”

Will you share with me one of your favorite scriptures please? I would love to know what carries you through the hard times.

-With love, Allie

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